What If Your Life Was Just A Tad Better?
Some would call this a challenge; we prefer the term ReSet. Because small, fun steps always lead to significant changes! In this unique four-day exercise, we’ll guide you through simple yet impactful exercises designed to raise your dopamine level (that’s your feel-good hormone), lower your anger level (that’s when your adrenaline is super high) and leave you calmer, more confident and able to get on with your day easier.

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So what’s it all about?
Imagine taking a journey that starts and ends with both the good and the not-so-good inside of YOU. Imagine learning new ideas to raise the good parts even higher and calm the not-so-good to levels so low they barely register anymore.
In this three-day plus one ReSEt, you are not just going through a set of activities. You are embarking on a personal path that can set the foundation for your continuous improvement a little bit every day. (We’ve been told it’s like raising our own game by 1% every day) And that’s why we call it Just a Tad Better.
Day 1
Addressing Anger
All of us have some level of anger at times. Unfortunately, sometimes it overpowers us, our thoughts and our actions. Let’s put it under a microscope and understand it.

Day 2
Open To Receiving
Almost all of us have a problem with receiving.
Asking for something (regardless of size or nature) never feels good.
Accepting (too often anything) feels like taking a kind of charity or a massive blow to our self-confidence and self-worth.
Day 3
Crafting Your Routine
One of the most innovative ways to handle the roller coaster effect is to plan for a good day and accept that life happens.

The Backstory
The Who & Why
Have you ever met a stranger and almost immediately knew that since you both shared similar values and ideas, if you pooled your talents together, you could make a more significant impact? That’s what happened to Charlene Norman and Jim Sabellico.
One lives in Canada, and the other in the USA. One spent too much time in the corporate world, the other too much time in the entrepreneurial world. Yet both believe passionately that business is people first, profit second. Both believe in living with an open heart, and being honest and vulnerable, especially when it is uncomfortable. That parking one’s ego to be upfront and transparent is the best way to operate.
Both have had huge successes and devastating failures professionally and personally. And they both learned how to dig deeper, make the lemonade, and return more robust and vital than ever. And for both, their dream was to find a way to share everything — all the lessons, trials and triumphs they learned along the way. So that others can benefit and find ways to thrive in the face of whatever adversity stands between them and the happiness they seek.
Get To Know
Charlene Norman
As a former CEO, Charlene has a unique philosophy that blends personal intuition with practical business strategies. She is highly innovative and profoundly empathetic. She is celebrated for always bringing peace of mind to her clients, friends and family.
She knows that the four inches between our ears is the most valuable piece of real estate we own and is on a mission to share all the ways we can harness our potential.

Get To Know
Jim Sabellico
Jim Sabellico is redefining the essence of success both in personal and professional realms. His journey from a young entrepreneur to a guiding force in heart-centred growth strategies epitomizes his dedication to impactful, authentic growth.
Jim stands as a beacon at TAD Better Club, guiding members on a path of self-improvement and success, one heartfelt strategy at a time. He extends an open invitation to anyone looking to redefine their way to success – one that is heartfelt, genuine, and transformative.
Why The Just A Tad Better ReSet?
We believe the first step towards taking back control, reclaiming our power and exploring ways to grow personally should be accessible and fun for everyone. This ReSet removes the barriers to starting your journey of self-discovery and is our invitation to you — to experience the transformation that comes from small daily improvements without any financial commitment. We believe that once you experience the positive changes from this four-day journey, you’ll be inspired to continue on this path with us.
Why Now?
The world is a little ridiculous these days, isn’t it? Many people are unhappy with their jobs, marriages, health, families, and even lives.
For some, it might be a dramatic loss or trauma. For others, it might be general frustration. For others, it’s anxiety about climate change, the economy, or the current political state.
Whatever the cause or reason, we first must acknowledge that we are open to changing a little. Just a tad. And changing ALWAYS begins with the most critical person in our lives. Ourselves.
By signing up NOW, you signal that you are ready to experiment, ease into something gently, laugh at yourself, and regain a tiny bit of what you feel you have lost. By signing up NOW, you acknowledge that while there is no perfect time to start, today is the best time to begin something. Right now.
By signing up NOW, you will take one small step forward to the goal you seek, whether you know that goal right now or not. By signing up NOW, you are giving yourself the best chance to explore how to improve slowly, gently and at a pace that suits you personally.
By signing up NOW, you are NOT missing out on receiving the gift you are giving yourself.
What do you take away from the ReSet?
You know that the most significant growth comes when we face challenges head-on. And often, we aren’t prepared.
You will walk away with new skills, perspectives, and tools you can use at any time for the rest of your life. You can consider yourself armed for the next big challenge that hits you with workable, actionable, and super simple secrets,
Which ultimately leaves you in a much more self-confident state, fearless to move forward and willing to go the distance in whatever situation you are in. Plus, maybe you’ll take away a few new friends who will be there for you. All this and more – in four days.
Please do it now. Sign up for the Just a Tad Better Game. You’ll be so happy you did.
Common Questions
Most Common Questions
We get it. You want answers! Here’s what we know.
We aren’t about tricking you. Ever. The truth is, we couldn’t figure out what to call this. We played with many ideas. Challenge. Game. Bingo. And decided what we are really doing is helping you to reset your thoughts and perspective. Because we know that when we are feeling at our most fragile, our best line of defence is always a mental re-set.
The twist we bring to the table is about making it fun. It’s not about doing ten steps perfectly all the time. It’s about having a sense of humour, of play, of fun. And experimenting with what works best in the moment.
We know you are super busy, and we respect whatever time you can give us. We’ve organized this ReSet so you can spend 15-30 minutes every day with us live or on the replay and listen to our suggestions. You can make a few notes during that period. (Mental notes are great; written or typed notes are best.) All you need to do is take just one idea each day and practice with it a few times a day.
No. We genuinely want to help you. This is why we are giving you our absolute best in content and camaraderie during the four days. If you get everything you need in these three days plus one, fabulous! If you're interested in going further, we promise there will be absolutely no upselling of any courses.
We know the best way to get maximum long-lasting and permanent benefits for any ReSet is to continue doing it with another person or group of persons. We’ve done it ourselves – both online and offline, in big groups and small.
We WILL offer you the opportunity to continue receiving more wisdom and ways to cement the learnings. We have a unique, safe and private community for those ready to invest in themselves – for a meagre investment.
Absolutely not. We do not buy or sell mailing lists (what a detestable business practice), and we hold your email with the highest integrity. You have our promise: we will never sell your address, nor will we ever spam you. That goes against everything we believe in.
YES. Yes we do. Because our word is our bond and we don't make promises we can't make. Join the ReSet and see for yourself.